Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The sky is so blue
The sun is so warm up high
I love the summer.

I really like toast
It is yummy when its hot
Cold i like it most.

Bears are kind to hearts
I like yo eat them daily
A then do big farts.

Those who came before
Shall forever be with us
Always remembered.

Children learn from us
Teach them about ancestors
Start a family tree.

Haiku softly sing
and a world picture is formed
A feast for the mind

Poetry and love
Will fell you hurt forever
or rip it to shreds.

Butterflies are cool
in the big hug,green forest.
they fly up so high.

Moths go flying by
They are very beautiful,
Fluttering around.

Lady bugs are red
And had black spot on their wings,
Expert at flying.

A fat bee sting me,
If hurts very badly but,
I do not cry though.

The bee flies quickly
It turns around and sting me.
Then falls to the ground.

As the wind does blow
Across the tree,I see the the
Buds blowing in may.

I walk across sand
And find my self blistering
In the hot,hot heat.

Falling ti the ground
I watch the leaf settle down
in the bed of brown.

It's cold and- i wait
For someone to shelter me
And take me from here.

The beaches wave hit
Sounding of flooding water
Soothes ache all over.

Silence around us
Our watchful eyes hear the world
Hands do the talking.

To be a leader
One most first dream and act out,
Fulfillment is yours.

The wind is blowing
It is blowing very hard
I don't like the wind.

I love Winnie the pooh
Winnie the pooh loves to cat honey
Bees chase Winnie the pooh.

A broken tree cut
Brings no shade to the weary
Then what good is it?

Rain falls,seeks sprout
Continues life from something
Small but strong,it grows.

Gracefully slither
He sneaks to the net untouched
With one swing he score.

Big time effort for four hours
Game ends tied,zero-zero.

Up on the tundra
You have one of two choices
hockey or...ummm...uhhh..

The winter is over
Spring is have hurry good cheer!
I am glad it's here.

I like spring water
It makes me fell good inside
It takes my breath away.

Fall is almost here,
I like the colorful leaves,
Others like the fall too.

Leaves down everywhere
Different colors through the years
fall is almost here.

fall is leaves falling
Eating crisp,crunchy apples
A warm fire burning.

Falls is leaves falling
munching in sweet red apples
A warm fire burning.

Snow falling snow
Blanketing the trees and road
Silence and beauty.

Branches stretching out
To grab the sunset colors
night is  approaching.

White light shining through
Patterns along the blank wall
Brightening my day.

Whitecaps on the bay
A broken signboard banging
In the April wind.

An old silent pond
A frog jump in to pond,
Splash!Silence again.

Over the wintry
Forest,winds howl in range
with no leaves to blow.

We are but flyspecks
On the window pane of life
The window cleaner.

Chicken or the egg?
No egg,No chicken dummies
It's a no brainier

Like medieval knights
Armor clad,in fields battle
To reap victory.

Afters summers rain
God's promised is remembered
Glorious rainbow.

people united
Ti secure their liberty
Out of many,one.

Patrick of England
Preserving Erin's blood line
Prove out the serpents.

Fighting for freedom
Fall of all valiant soldier
Resting in the lord.

My sheep hear,My voice
Christ did say,and I know them
and they follow me.

Green grass in April
Birds begin to sing in trees
Children play outside.

Frogs jumping around
Frogs hopping away from shakes
Frog doing cool tricks.

Birds chirping a lot
People singing all the time
Birds are going south.

Birds and bees flying
Soft blades of grass on my feet
New flowers blooming.